Bonjour! If you like my posts or have any suggestion, please leave a comment. Thx!

Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Friday, February 20, 2009

My brain is old

WTH, my brain is 57 years old? It was a result tested by my NDS, after doing tests like recognizing colours, calculations, reading etc...

At 1st i thought my calculation was quite ok, but was shocked when the result came out was 57! Need to train my brain hard edy...If not karat later :P
Gambatte my brain!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009




Monday, February 16, 2009

Adieu à Renaud

C’est une dédicace spéciale à notre cher ami, Renaud - mon premier ami à l’ESTACA, mon voisin et mon « chauffer » pendant un an et demi. Il m’a sauvé une fois la vie, quand j’ai eu le pneumothorax l’année dernière (avec Clément bien sûr ^^), MERCI. Avec les autres, on a passé de bons moments ensemble, les apéros (même si Kaplan il ne buvait que du jus d’orange), le séjour en Bretagne etc…

Bonne continuation!
Reviens nous voir quand t'auras du temps, je sais que t'en auras beaucoup^^
A+ :P

P.S. : Si tu viendras en Malaisie un jour, souviens-toi de venir me chercher.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Waiting for holiday

Waiting impatiently for my short-but-better-than-nothing holiday.
Come soon yet don't over too fast pls

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today is a special day in ESTACA. The "Désintégration" Day. If you remember i had 1 post about intégration day. Since that one is for the 1st years, you can guess that this 1 is for the 5th years for they are going to leave the shool. What did they do? They dressed up into some famous people, they disturbed all lessons, they danced, they played, they did all sorts of crazy things etc etc...

1st thing we got in the morning, a cock in the lecture hall. A real cock!! The funny thing is that the prof also made jokes and played with it...Then they entered the lecture hall, danced on the table, dirtied you with shaving mousse, made noises and so on. As french say, c'est du bordel(bordel = brothel). They came in during every lesson and when we heard them approach, everyone quickly keep their belongings to prevent them from being polluted by shaving mousse.

I was a bit frustrated when i got my head full of shaving cream, but later i got used to it, cause if you disobey them, you would get 10 times worse. And the profs played with them too. 1 of the prof even got his head full of shaving cream, suddenly attacked during his class.

One of the disguise i like most is the one with 2 Balls as you can see in the video. Guys, i think u can guess what it is :P

Hope my Désintégration Day will come soon, but i still have 1...2...3 years to go! Kinda long...

Friday, February 6, 2009


We have finally handed in our project on Thursday at 1300. It's not something to be proud of because we haven't finished the whole program and the result was not what we planned at first. I can only say that we were not very good in time management, if we were, we could have come out with something much more better. But the result wasn't that bad neither. We still have a presentation for the project next Thursday, we'll know the result after the presentation.

It's really a last minute work, i say it but I'm really shame of it. We had burnt the midnight oil until 5 am. Knowing that we had class at 8 am in the next morning, you can imagine i think. But we were not the only, many other friend did the same.

But we are not to be blamed, someone told me that even the professor later admitted that the problem was too difficult at our level. If you wonder what the problem is, we were suppose to write a program in C, which is a program destined for SNCF(French railway) to create train lines, and simulate the trains' movement. Easy eh...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Angoulême BD 2009

Last week was ESTACA ski week, but since I didn't go with sch, so i had kinda short break before the 2nd semester starts. Although there's a C programming project to finish, but i really had a break and enjoy myself during the week. Now it's time to worry about it....Gotta hand it up on Thursday :(

After coming back from Rennes for the CNY celebration, what i did was staying at home, relaxing, and do my project. It's actually quite enjoyable when you take your time to write the program and see the result of your program. But i don't think I'll enjoy it in the next few days as I'm running out of time :p
Then, i went back to my hometown in France - Angoulême because coincidently, the 36th Angoulême International Comic Festival was organised from Thursday to Sunday during this week. Two chinese friends, Du Jun and Ma Yi whom i helped to translate 2 years ago invited me to help them again this year. So between project and friends, i chose friends :D Moreover, they paid my expenses to Angoulême, so I was too shy to reject them.

My main function was to help them to do the translation between Chinese and French. It's a tough task, but I'm happy because I've finally done it and help them through the whole festival. Although my french level is still too low to do a perfect translation, i still got a lot of praises from those French artists and editors for my translation, especially when they knew that i was only a student who helped without being paid, kinda proud of it. I've learned a lot of things from this trip. Practicing my French is 1 thing. I also learned to do business, talking bout contract, buying copy rights etc. This trip also tells me that marketing might be my future path, 'cause i find it interesting and I have a powerful tool - languages. But of course I'll finish my engineering course in ESTACA first.

This year's festival is a little bit smaller than previous years, maybe because of the economic crisis. But still there were still a lot of people in Angoulême, I think we can only see this scene 4 days a year. Last night, almost all restaurants in Angoulême were full, we finally managed to find 1 after entering more than 6 full-house restaurants. those western comics don't interest me much, cause I'm more to japanese mangas. So i just simply looked around without buying any comic. But it's interesting too see different culture through comics from different country. Hmm, i think i can show you a kind of comic which is very popular in France, why show you? because you cant see it in Malaysia :P