Day 1:
I took Lik and kaya around Paris since Daniel only arrived on the 2nd day, sorry for him 'cause he needed to skip class to join us. After checking in our hotel, it was already a bit late. We went to Arc de Triomphe and dat's where we met Benedict and others. We had dinner together and there we seperated since they were tired and wanted to go back to hotel instead of Eiffel Tower, our next destination. Eiffel was nice that night, blue in colour, of course, we took lotsa photos of it. But g up Eiffel with em wasn't romantic at all, LOL!
To save money, i've booked a hotel near Saint Denis, which is a bit far from the centre of Paris, 2nd last station by Metro line 13. Lol, my sense of direction isn't that good at night, so we kinda got lost in the way back to hotel after visiting Eiffel Tower. But luckily we reached the hotel safely at last.

Day 2:
We've got limited time in Paris 'cause we were going to set off to Bourg Saint Maurice that afternoon after Daniel's arrival. So we woke up early in the morning to get some time to visit the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur. Me myself i haven't visited the place b4, so i was a "discovering tour guide", lol. There was a gang of african guys in front of the Basilique, offering to tourists colour bands. If you go there next time, don't accept it, or else they'll ask you for money for the worthless bands. Of course we were smart enough to reject it, but i think if i were not there, Alik might get cheated, lol.

The train stopped. (Alik sleeping)
Me : Daniel, what time the train arrives?
Dann : 8.20 gua...(A while later)How come the train is reversing?
Me : Changing direction? That's y it takes so long time.
A guy came. "Gentlemen, you have arrived."
Me : "What? arrived? But it's moving now, dont't tell me it' heading to the next destination!!!"
Luckily it was not, it's only heading to the train parking at the station. Fuf...Lucky...
I found a vrvr cheap hotel in Bourg Saint Maurice, of course, a bit far, around 1km from the train station. What to do? Walk lor. The others were complaining of course. Weren't you? Heh?
After settling down, super hungry, DINNER!!!
Have you tried sweating in -3°C? You will when you just have a snow war, haha.

Day 3:
Alik woke every1 up, 'cause he couldn't sleep. LOL...But suddenly,
Kaya : Soon Lee, you come and see if i got fever.
WTF, don't joke man, 1st day of ski n you got fever? But finally he managed to go ski with us, luckily. So the ski lessons started for Dann n Kaya. Unluckily, there was no green piste in Les ARC. So there were forced to practice in blue piste. For your info, the piste levels are green - blue - red - black.
At night, the other 3 felt pain all over the body, Kaya and Dann understandable lar, kept falling ma. Alik 你凑什么热闹?

Day 4:
Christmas day. It was snowing in the morning, and it was my 1st white Christmas. Me and lik decided to go to discover ARC 1800(1800 m). We found an ideal place for Dann and Kaya to practice. So here we go.

Day 5:

Last day of ski, Dann can already do "S" in the blue piste, but Kaya, u really need to Gambatte ler, haha, don't worry, next ski trip will be better. Me and Lik decided to challenge ARC 2000. The weather on top of the mountain was really extreme. The wind was strong and it was damned cold. We arrived at ARC 2000 but we didn't make up to the top 'cause the weather condition was really unbearable. I found great improvement in my skiing skill 'cause i didn't fall even once on the way down from ARC 2000. Tired, we stopped there ended this very fun ski trip.
We took night train to go back Paris. But before this, we had a buffet dinner. We have wanted to eat this since the 1st day but it was closed for Christmas. Luckily it was opened that day, or else we would break the its glasses.
Day 6:
Visited the damned cold Paris with our luggage and bags. Notre Dame - KFC - Louvre - Champs Elysées.

And finally "Au revoir" to every1. 天下无不散之宴席, hope to see you guys again soon.