Bonjour! If you like my posts or have any suggestion, please leave a comment. Thx!

Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese 牛 Year

Wohoo...It's Chinese New Year again. Kinda lucky this year cause i finished my exam the week before CNY and i don't have class on the week of CNY. But what a pity, cannot go back to celebrate it in Malaysia. Anyway, i went to Rennes on Friday and had a celebration with other malaysian friends there(although there were only 2 chineses LOL), had a great time.

Since i know everyone is busy collecting Ang Pau, so i also don't want to write too long and waste your time ^^

牛转乾坤 鼠气全消

鼠 龙
去 飞
牛 风
来 舞
辞 迎
旧 新
岁 春

Saturday, January 17, 2009

突然发现现在的我有倾向宅男的现象。Oh No!!!

“宅男”这个词是看我猜学来的,上我猜的宅男们个个怪的怪,邋遢的邋遢,傻的傻,还被吴忠宪羞辱。但那些已经是“level宅” 100 了,我还没有宅到那个地步。但难道有一天我会跟他们一样?靠,不敢想象。。。

× 除了上课和周末去超市,很少踏出家门一步
× 不出门干什么?上网,看偶像剧,动画(除了偶尔读读书)
× 可以一整天呆在电脑前





Friday, January 9, 2009

I need SSI spirit!!!

Sometimes, when i think back, i wonder how i managed to study so much when i was in SSI. I remembered 1 month before SPM everyone was already "piah" like hell and i think i faced my books at least 10 hours a day. I don't know how many times i have run over the three 400+ page Fokus Physics, Biology and Chemistry. And how many essays in Chinese, English and BM I've written to improve my writing skills. How i managed to memorize those moral values with definitions without losing 1 word. Hundreds of mathematics exercises, 名句精华 etc. I'm really amazed by the amount of work that i've done to prepare my SPM. And lucky enough, i've got the result that i wished(Except 1119 which is a shame to me, but nvm, i don't use English nowadays lol).

Then when i look at myself now, i think i really have become a lot more lazier, well maybe not lazier, but just have lost the motivation that keep me study. First, there's no more goal like getting straight 1As or getting the JPA scholarship. You pass the exam and you pass your year and finally you graduate. I wouldn't say it's very easy to pass an exam in ESTACA, since I've already failed three papers before, but if I do my homework correctly and revise a minimum, i can still pass(touch wood, don't 好的不灵坏的灵).

Then, there's no more SSI's "kiasu" spirit. In SSI, you would wanna study when you see the others study. You feel guilty when you see the others are studying while you are fooling around, so what you do is you also follow them to study. And since there's a ranking of exam results, if you wanna get into top 10 then you need to study. But now, i don't really care about it, 'cause there is no ranking, so as long as i pass I'm happy already.

Last time in SSI, for my case, if I study hard i could always get the wanted result, but this is not the case in ESTACA. You can study very hard but there can be unexpected questions in the exams which you can never think of it. As a result, my heart also gets cold as time goes. I know that I'm no more in secondary school where everything follows the syllabus, in an engineering school like mine, as one of the heads in ESTACA said before, they want to form quality engineer and not engineer who can only recopy resolution method, so there are always unexpected questions which require reflexion.

Internet is the pricipal criminal. In secondary school time i didn't have my personal computer, and no broadband like i have today. It's really hard to study with my computer beside, but I've a very bad habit that is whenever I'm awake at home, my computer is always on, if you don't believe, you can see that my MSN and YM are signed in most of the time. What facebook la, blog la, youtube la, youkou la, these rubbish make me pass a lot of time in front of my PC rather than my books. Like now I've wasted another half an hour on this thing...










Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to peel a banana

What a smart idea to make people laugh, but not to peel a banana, nobody would dare to eat LOL =p

Monday, January 5, 2009


It has been very cold since last week in France, or maybe in Europe. Today, school reopens, when i stepped on the road in the morning, the road was frozen. It's super dangerous to drive in such condition, so Renaud gotta drive more slowly(i go to school in his car). We have had the car gliding on a little slope when he braked last time, it wasn't fun at all, unless u like drifting.

Afternoon, still very cold, 0°C at least, and it snowed in Laval, which is a real rare case. But it didn't last for long time, and the snow melted once touching the ground, the ground is now wet and with the temperature that we have now, i think i can ice-skate to school tomorrow morning =p

The temperature outside make me lazy to go out, i feel good to be at home with my heater on, but at the end of the month when i see my electricity bill, i'll cry :'(

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009

New year has come, just have to admit that time passes really fast.

Had a little celebration last night with my fellow Malaysians in Laval. We went for dinner in a Japanese restaurant and we had some fireworks in the cold new year night. Luckily I'm not alone in Laval this year, or else it will be a lonely New Year which i have escaped by going to Toulouse last year.

Some people ask me what is my new year resolution, I've never thought of this, and i don't think I'm gonna think of it. 'Cause for me New Year day is just like the other days in a year, so there is no need to set what new year resolution. I just do what i think i need to do or what i wanna do. But this is just my opinion, I'm sure that these resolutions must have their own meaning to those who set them every year.

I take this opportunity to wish my family and all my friends Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you in 2009 :D