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Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Friday, February 6, 2009


We have finally handed in our project on Thursday at 1300. It's not something to be proud of because we haven't finished the whole program and the result was not what we planned at first. I can only say that we were not very good in time management, if we were, we could have come out with something much more better. But the result wasn't that bad neither. We still have a presentation for the project next Thursday, we'll know the result after the presentation.

It's really a last minute work, i say it but I'm really shame of it. We had burnt the midnight oil until 5 am. Knowing that we had class at 8 am in the next morning, you can imagine i think. But we were not the only, many other friend did the same.

But we are not to be blamed, someone told me that even the professor later admitted that the problem was too difficult at our level. If you wonder what the problem is, we were suppose to write a program in C, which is a program destined for SNCF(French railway) to create train lines, and simulate the trains' movement. Easy eh...


Anonymous said...

尽力而为啦!反正教授都讲了咯,不是你们的level。。。还有哦,新年不要failure来failure去,要think positive哦!

Cool Jay said...

wow, that was really hard. using C at level one is not easy. but dun worry, u have tried ur best.

Kevin said...

Aiya, I'm just not satisfied with my work la, should have done better. I didn't really 尽力 lor, hihi.
But nvm la, what's done is done, now waiting for next Thursday's presentation :P

Vincent said...

lol good luck then :P

Kevin said...

Thx :p