Bonjour! If you like my posts or have any suggestion, please leave a comment. Thx!

Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Monday, July 27, 2009

No more music

Have you remarked the little difference in my blog? Quieter? No more music? 'coz i've just removed the music. Dunno why, each music i uploaded turned out to be a 30s sample after some time. Since i don't post very often in Msia so i decided to remove it for the time being.

Some updates about my life in Msia.
Daily activities - sleep~eat~tv~internet~go out but not often
Conclusion : Goyang kaki LOL


Vincent said...

i coming back to teman u goyang kaki vr soon =D

kaya said...

haha way to go! no music is better in my opinion!

Kevin said...

Haha, gdgd but u come back 1 week only
U come back i no need to goyang kaki d la, can go play haha