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Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Injured. Again?!

As i said i decided to be more active in sport this year. So i went to play basketball yesterday afternoon with my classmates. At first it was quite fun and i was the 1st to score. But later on, i had a crash on the ground in order to save the ball. Damn, scratched my shoulder, legs and worst of all my chin!! And i hurt my right palm also in the fall, feel pain when i grip my palm. So no more basketball for some days, go study!

Yea speaking of study, i had a few classes yesterday and today. OMG, i was like an idiot copying things that i didn't understand. But luckily, not only me, most of my friends were like that too. And this is only the beginning, #@&*%$§...


Li Ping =) said...

haiyo, take care ar soonlee!

just a ball ma, why so serious? Not playing in NBA ler wahaha...

Kevin said...

Haha, accident, if i knew would fall then sure i won't try to save it 1...Thx anyway.
Btw, u're not like khanruey meh? hope more people get injured then u'll get more patients, lol! joking la...

Li Ping =) said...

wa, 暗讽kaya in ur blog...vr brave ar u wahahaha...
aiyo, superficial injuries like urs don't cost much de lar wahaha =)

Kevin said...

What 暗讽? Don't 挑拨离间 la you. Btw, sedikit-sedikit lama lama jadi bukit ma. Haha...

Anonymous said...


Melvin T. said...



Kevin said...

wakao, like that also called 打情骂俏? And now you 参一脚, become four people 打情骂俏 lo?? lol...