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Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Saturday, January 17, 2009

突然发现现在的我有倾向宅男的现象。Oh No!!!

“宅男”这个词是看我猜学来的,上我猜的宅男们个个怪的怪,邋遢的邋遢,傻的傻,还被吴忠宪羞辱。但那些已经是“level宅” 100 了,我还没有宅到那个地步。但难道有一天我会跟他们一样?靠,不敢想象。。。

× 除了上课和周末去超市,很少踏出家门一步
× 不出门干什么?上网,看偶像剧,动画(除了偶尔读读书)
× 可以一整天呆在电脑前






Cool Jay said...
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Cool Jay said...

omg... if you 宅, then I am worse. At least you play sports, right?

I think 宅男 can stay at home for weeks at home ba~ I don't think you will. Some more they 不修边幅. you don't right? somemore you mix with friends, right?

Anonymous said...

don't worry no one can beat me in terms of 宅ness. But make sure you're a nerdy 宅 la, otherwise kinda sad lo.

Dann~ said...

time to find urself a galfren le... a french one... then u will find urself more outdoor than indoor... haha... u exam finish d?

Kevin said...

To cool jay: Haha, you're quite right. But if my 宅ness continue to develop i scare i'll become like dat

To kaya : Haha, i think you sud b quite 宅 also, if not won have time to watch so many animes

To Dann: Not yet, exam starts the coming Monday. But at least i can have my CNY after exam. I also wanna find, but dunno where and how :P

原来jianwei跟kaya都是我志同道合的宅buddy LOL

Anonymous said...

Haha GF is the solution to everything. So Daniel when you flying to Korea ah??? :D

Vincent said...

i also 宅男 :P

but a handsome one ~

Anonymous said...

to Dann:

I think when soon lee finds himself a French gf.. he will STILL find himself more indoor than outdoor wor....
HAMSAP soonlee :p

Kevin said...

1 more member. I think we can form a 宅group

Haha, Alik this's a good 1. I laugh until stomachache...But i think you're right wor...What you think, of course study with her la? Takkan go outdoor to study

Dann~ said...

STUDY with her?? u sure onot, HANSAP soon lee...

Cool Jay said...

aiyah, study "biology" mah... got wrong meh, dann...

Kevin said...

Walaoeh, JW also polluted d...
But i don't think aeronautical engineer needs biology
Maybe we can study things like how to reduce friction or fluid mechanics etc

shit you all are polluting my originally pure blog

Anonymous said...

remember protection or~

Dann~ said...

the blog owner himself polluted say ppl pollute his blog summore... wat friction reduction n fluid mechanics... haih....

Kevin said...

Wei Dann, what are you thinking? Fluid mechanics are very important in aeronautical engineering ok, you think until where already? :P

Vincent said...


I dunno what u all talking sia ~

I m just pure little handsome :P