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Joke of the day

Joke 27
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”

Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。

^_^" Zzzz.......

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rubik's cube

Bought a Rubik's cube 3 days ago due to influence of my brother when i went back to malaysia last summer. He managed to solve a cube with an average time of 40 s and a record of 30+ s. The world record is less than 8 s!! Crazy!!

Actually it's not as complicated as u think. To solve a cube, as a beginner, you can learn the beginner algorithm which in available in Rubik's official website. It enables you to solve a cube easily. I learn it and with some practice, i managed to solve a cube in 3 min. However with this beginner method you can hardly achieve an excellent time.

Kinda addicted to it now, i'll try to learn a more advance algorithm to solve the cube in less time. Still not quite sure about how the advance method works, but i think it means more patterns to remember and so more steps to memorise according to each pattern. Don't think i'll have time to explore it now, so need to wait until the hols at the end of this month.

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