Joke of the day
小明 :“小红,怎么了?”
小红 :“刚才阿爽说我是萝卜腿,555。。。”
小明安慰道 :“让我瞧瞧。。。怎么会呢?哪有萝卜又黑又粗的?”
Joke 28
唐僧 : 此番取经应当找个快捷的方式。
悟空 : 坐飞机比骑马快。
八戒 : 火箭更快。
沙僧拿出一支枪 : 听说这玩意儿马上就送人上西天。
^_^" Zzzz.......
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Unbalanced sleeping habit
Saturday morning, i woke up at 11 a.m. after sleeping for 10 hours. Result : headache for 1 whole day.
This morning, i woke up at 10.30 am, also after sleeping for 10 hrs. Result : neck pain. At first it wasn't so serious, but i was crazy and went to play basketball. Shit, now i can't even turn my neck.
Moral of the story : have a more regular sleeping habit.
P.S.: But WTF, compared to many people this is quite regular already!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Good luck to you my bro
He said:"i've already finished 3 subjects, now only you sent me this message..."
LOL, cause i just realised that people are having SPM through a friend's facebook status yesterday.
Anyway goodluck to you and all the best!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
我(小马)(Laval) :韩剧男
朱哥 (Laval) :最佳摄影师
天(Laval) :非猪六
卉梓(Laval) :狂野小姐
天予(Le Mans) :雷人
健哥 (Le Mans):披着羊皮的狼
刚从巴黎回来,完成了一趟虽有点小累但充满欢笑的“雷之旅” 。这一次除了玩,还做了中马文化交流,实在是获益良多啊!
何谓“雷” ?
当然这个旅程会有这个名字都得归功于我们的天同学与天予哥。这两个雷人让我深刻了解到雷的意思。早从天同学口中听过天予哥的大名,说她是个大雷人,但我说天同学,你也别五十步笑百步。在Le Mans转车前一切还正常,但当天予踏入前往巴黎的火车那一刹那,一切都变了。我原本以为文静的卉梓小姐突然狂野了起来,吓了我一跳,“雷之旅”从这一刻开始。和天予一起的健哥则只跟我们说了声“嗨”就一个人坐在旁边,完全就不跟天予一样口水滔滔。
到了巴黎,在Quick Burger解决午餐时,我不小心说错了话,原来在中国看韩剧的人都被形容为脑残,就这样我因为偶尔看看韩剧被他们恶整了两天。卉梓的一句“韩剧都是大婶吃饱后看的”更让我好没面子,既然那我跟跟大婶比。。。
在酒店check in后,我们就前往第一目的地:Basilique de Sacré Coeur。我们在此见识到了天同学那师奶杀手无可抵挡的魅力。首先是替我们指路的大婶,后来是要天同学拍照的纽西兰籍妇女。天同学与生俱来的魅力真叫众人羡慕啊!在此地我也得到了“小马”这个称号,来源就是天予哥的一句“从马来西亚来的”。哇靠,我的名字那么好记天予哥既然记不了,搞什么嘛!天同学偷拍女孩细腿的是我就不提了吧。
为了成全卉梓夜游巴黎的愿望,我们来到了埃菲尔铁塔。在塔四周拍了照后,我们登上了船,夜游River Seine。虽然来了巴黎无数次,但这是我第一次搭这船,也算是新体验啦。在船上的一个小时让我见证了巴黎的夜景果然是漂亮的,而且不时还可以看到情侣们在河边亲热,难怪人家都说巴黎浪漫。
下了船,大家又冷又饿。这是朱哥建议我们去吃“Pho”,其实就是Malaysia 的牛肉粉啦,越南人开的。吃饱后不知怎么天同学突然high起来,变身成为超级大雷人。又不知怎么搞的卉梓跟天这小两口无缘无故帮我跟天予牵起红线。而沉默不语的健哥也终于露出狐狸尾巴,原来是个情场杀手,还给我什么鬼主意,叫我在中国,马来西亚跟法国各交一个女朋友。回酒店的路途不是很顺利,迷了路,但还好大家都好high,虽然走了些路,但最后还是找到了酒店。回到酒店当然不能马上睡,天同学继续在那儿雷,又唱又跳,又摇又摆,好不快乐。朱哥干的可好了,把天同学得瑟的证据都录了下来。
第二天早上,也就是今早啦,我们到了Château de Versailles,就是法国Louis XIV国王的皇宫。排队的人多的可以,一边排队,一边聊天,我好像听到他们说什么“非猪六”的,好学的我就发问啦,原来他们说的是“非主流”(意思Google找吧)。学了当然得用啦,我就和天同学拍了些超非猪六的照片,什么猥亵的动作都摆了。靠!什么形象也没咯!皇宫的后花园真的很大也很漂亮,无聊的我们也继续雷加非猪六,还学人家拍什么Mr and Mrs Smith。。。
四点整,我们在Paris Montparnasse跟天予还有健哥分手,踏上回家的旅程,回程中看回所有又雷又非猪六的video和照片,真是笑翻了!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Rubik's cube
Actually it's not as complicated as u think. To solve a cube, as a beginner, you can learn the beginner algorithm which in available in Rubik's official website. It enables you to solve a cube easily. I learn it and with some practice, i managed to solve a cube in 3 min. However with this beginner method you can hardly achieve an excellent time.
Kinda addicted to it now, i'll try to learn a more advance algorithm to solve the cube in less time. Still not quite sure about how the advance method works, but i think it means more patterns to remember and so more steps to memorise according to each pattern. Don't think i'll have time to explore it now, so need to wait until the hols at the end of this month.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
C : 你家人还好吗?
A : 好。。。嗯,你婆婆呢?
C: 她在我五年级时去世了。
A: 啊,抱歉。
C: 那你的呢?
A: 噢,很好啊,她还没死。
= =" (我在旁边偷笑)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
By M. Zwingelstein at the end of today's lecture
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
3rd Year
I had a class called "Methodes Numériques" in French, which is something to do with methods of solving mathematical problems using the computer. The 1st thing we learnt today was Matrices. What do you see from the position of the professor in a lecture hall? Answer given by the prof was : a Matrix o.O" LOL!! I think the prof has 走火入魔 already...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
回到这里的第一餐就是MCD,因为要找个可以呆久又可以online的地方。虽然刚下飞机加上累过头没什么胃口,也只好将就将就,吃一个Mac Chicken set,将就可以online咯。
Monday, September 7, 2009
这次回法国因为之前换票的原因被逼在KLIA等6个多小时,傍晚7点半到KLIA,早上2点的飞机,一个字 - '显'。
11点才可以check in,但是谁知道KLIA的internet不可以上MSN!幸亏有一种叫eBuddy的东西,让我跟朋友还有弟弟聊了聊,过时间。
现在check in了,悠闲的坐在候机室,因为没事干,所以随便写写。
Bye bye Malaysia, family and friends! See you soon XD
Monday, August 31, 2009
A lot of friends came back to JB for the what i call Merdeka Gathering.
Saturday morning we played basketball. Although I've got a knee injury, most probably lateral meniscus tear, i joined as a vase. What a great sportsmanship i have.
After lunch we went "Bang Bang" (a new verb created by dunno who, meaning go CC).
CS + L4D until stars spinning in front of our eyes, it's time to prepare for our BBQ.
Of course our night didn't end like that: football in front of Alik's hse + Man Utd vs Arsenal + Mahjong.
The next morning, we went to SIA to bid farewell to our beloved Yixian who doesn't want to come back Malaysia anymore. Breakfast in Vivo City. Without much energy left, we decided to go back. Nightmare for Ah Kok who drove at the super jammed Custom, for he didn't eat that morning, he was puasaing and he didn't sleep the night b4. Ah Kok you're our Hero!!!
After reaching JB, dunno which SOHAI suggested to go "Bang Bang" again...
In the evening, after struggling against tiredness for some time in Alik's hse, we went to Leisure Mall. Initial plan was to plan Bowling, but another sohai suggested to go cinema. Kung Fu Cyborg represented by TTY and District 9 represented by Wee Howe, they played scissors paper stone. TTY won. Inside the cinema, u can only hear Wee Howe, Ah Beh and TTY cursing with any vulgar word you can imagine. BTW i quite enjoyed the film, at least it made us laugh until stomach ache.
Enjoyable weekend, thanks to Hari Merdeka. Malaysia Boleh!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
今天走路还是会痛,幸好改了原本是明天的飞机票,不然就惨咯. 要是多两天还不好可能会去看西医吧,但是又不想抱石膏.医生朋友们,给些建议吧.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Nothing to do at home.
Really don't want to continue life like this until i go back!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
No more music
Some updates about my life in Msia.
Daily activities - sleep~eat~tv~internet~go out but not often
Conclusion : Goyang kaki LOL
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Primary school classmates
We chatted then we decided to find more friends and do a gathering after 1...2...10 years!!! I went to a Zhi Hao's house, a good friend of mine, this evening, he used to live there and i just gave a try. Lucky^^ Same evening, we managed to find another girl, thanks to the tips given by Zhi Hao's mum. 9 people including me, not too bad isn't it? Can already do the gathering. We still have some clues and we hope to find at least 2 more friends.
Time flies, 10 years have gone. If i cross with one of my primary classmates on the road, i might not be able to recognize him or her. Since i goyang kaki at home everyday, i'll try to advance in this PSC searching operation. Haha
Monday, June 29, 2009
Back in msia
Trying to adjust my biogical clock, it's always hard to get asleep at night
Too lazy to go online, so you might not see me on MSN or YM for 2 months
Might not update my blog as well...Will do it if i have something special
Stop here 1st...Those in Msia hope to see you guys soon...Yea this Fri there's a gathering...People who wanna join you're welcomed
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
When paying, the cashier asked me "Are you more than 18 years old?"
I was like ^^"...Do i really look that young? Dunno i should be proud of it or the opposite...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
忙 忙 忙
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Bourget Museum of Air and Space
Since this year's 2nd semester, we have started a class called technologies of aeronautics and one of the 1st things we've seen was history of aeronautics. So basically we have already seen most of the exposed items in the museum in the class, but this visit allowed us to have a really close look on everything we have learned.
This visit was definitely an extraordinary one, even though the journey to and back from Paris was a little bit time consuming and tiring. Now I just wanna sing "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY"...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Lazy to do my works
Lazy to tidy my room
Lazy to wake up early
Lazy to go out
Lazy to post
Lazy to go class on Monday
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mike the headless chicken
The other day i was discussing about this with friends, which reminded me of an article which I've read somewhere about a chicken which has lived quite a long time, 1 year as in my memory, after having its head cut off. I told my friends but nobody believed in it and i just thought that I've come out with an absolute rubbish, how can a chicken live without its head.
This morning, i tried to search on Google "headless chicken", a lot of link appeared and among all there were a few related to "Mike The Headless Chicken". I clicked on it, it's exactly this Mike that I've read about, a rooster in Fruita, Colorado who lived for 18 months, longer than i expected, after its head had been cut off.
You even have Mike Festival every year to celebrate Mike's spirit. Interesting isn't it?

Read more on:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
What i did last week
Tuesday - Got back my Wave exam paper, 8.75/20 = failed, not more than 20% of students pass in this paper, too too disappointed. Internship presentation, luckily did quite well although i made a few grammar mistakes in French. got 16.5/20 for my report + presentation
Thursday - No class in the afternoon + good weather -> basketball
Friday - No class in the afternoon -> basketball, play against a 198cm friend, rebound = no way, he treated me a steamboat somemore. Renaud came to Laval, had dinner + movie session
Saturday - Laval Virtual exposition, saw a lot of Japanese's visual technology, they're unbeatable in this field. Managed to persuade those juniors to buy roller blades, hihi, now i have gang to practice d
Tmr is Sunday d? OMG, how come time passes so fast?
Monday, April 13, 2009
下雨下了几天,今天难得有太阳,就心血来潮骑着脚车,背着我的roller blade去空地玩
我说很远,要搭飞机的, 他反问我坐飞机害怕吗...
PS3的Guitar Hero看过吧?
我梦见二胡版的'二胡 Hero'
还梦见sabai lik要跟我玩
Saturday, April 11, 2009
1 week left
Went to Rennes, Saint Malo and Saint Michel with 2 good friends Wenshao and Kuah, had some fun but the weather wasn't good at all during the trip...
Pictures...Hmmm...i didn't take a lot of pictures, will upload in FB when i get them from shao
1 week left, need to make good use of this week to take a good rest 'cause after the holiday i'll have 2.5 quite tiring months, with the final exam before summer holidays...
Really fast, my year 2 is gonna end soon yeah!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
今天又从我妹那儿收到一个mail, 如下:
中国人 :今晚你有空吗?我没空!
马来西亚华人 :今晚你得不得空?我不得空!
中国人 :饼干受潮了…。
马来西亚华人 :饼干'漏风'了…。
中国人 :从上海去苏州要多少个小时?
中国人 :难道他不可以来吗?
中国人 :周杰伦不喜欢穿内裤。
中国人 :我一向都是这样的。
中国人 :我的手机掉进沟渠了。
中国人 :这样你不是很不值得吗?
马来西亚华人:这样你'马'很不 '歹'?
中国人 :你真是聪明!
马来西亚华人:你真是pan nai!(源自马来语pandai,聪明的意思)
中国人 :你安静!
马来西亚华人:你diam diam!(源自马来语diam,安静的意思)
中国人 :我要去银行取款。
中国人 :为什么?
中国人 :你很强~
中国人 :明天也叫他一起去吧!
中国人 :我很郁闷~~~
中国人 :你再说我就打你!
中国人 :你在说什么?
中国人 :你不要令我丢脸~。
中国人 :真被你气到…。
中国人 :你别乱来~。
中国人 :你很无聊!
中国人 :XX你!
中国人 :烦。
马来西亚华人:bek chek
中国人 :我们一起吃这碗面~。
中国人 :今天的天气很热~。
马来西亚华人:今天的天气热到。。。。。。。。。。。。。。~~~~~~~('到'字要拉 长,然后没有下文了)
中国人 :哇!
中国人 :我受不了他!
Exam week
Happy? A little bit but not really
Cause when exam finish there's nothing left to do, life is like no goal
but i don't like exam time neither
I only started revise for the exam 3 days before the 1st subject
And i can tell you that last minute work really won't do
I was like racing with time everyday
It's horrible when you have so many things to study but so little time to do it
And this make me think back to the time in SSI
Things like this had never happened!
Need to change this bad habit, but can i?
It's easy to pick up a bad habit, but to correct it...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
靠,在那之前只能靠止痛药了 :(
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy belated bday to my blog
Happy belated birthday!
I have a quite poor memory and am kinda busy these days (exam coming next week, but haven't started my revision, bravo!), so i've forgotten that 1 year and 3 days ago a blog was born to tell my life.
Poor memory, especially things like birthday, that's me. You can say that I'm not romantic, i don't mind. The total number of birthday i remember can be counted by 10 fingers, including mine. Or else i normally wish people their birthday if friendster or facebook remind me. I wonder how some others like Kaya(who is a gd example) can remember so many birthdays. Maybe that's why i think I'm correct not to choose law as i wanted to. So do forgive me if i forget your birthday:p
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Stupid but scary virus
I tried to run my anti-virus, the result was 34 harmful items detected, but some just couldn't be deleted. So i downloaded avast anti-virus from internet, which is free, and finally managed to delete most of the virus(i think). But what the hell, it was the same, the computer performance just didn't return to normal. Maybe a "massive destruction" was already done inside my com!
No choice, reformat. At first i didn't know that it was because of the software, 'cause i thought it was from the internet, so i tried to install the software again. WTH, pop-up appeared immediately and at that moment i only realized that everything was because of this fking software. Did a system restore to an earlier point, so far the problem is solved(i hope). The virus nowadays are so damned scary, beware when u download things or surf the net.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
忙 + 懒
Sunday, March 1, 2009
1st Aeronautical Technology class
Actually i was hesitating between automotive and aeronautic last time, because i was actually more interested by automotive, you can see it from my nickname EVO :P But i finally chose aeronautic because i thought it was more challenging and the market is wider. Plus i can always go into the automobile industry with my aeronautical knowledge, the reverse is more difficult. And the other thing is that France is one of the most advance country in this field, along with US and Germany. The Airbus that i believe most of you have taken is from France, hihi
It's a lesson that I'm waiting for, but fear of at the same time, because i know that a lot of new vocabularies will be introduced, in French of course, and that i might not be able to follow up the other classmates since most of those who choose aeronautic already have certain knowledge in this field, some by interest, some have passed their flying license etc. While me, I'm a noob!
The 1st lesson was kinda introduction, we saw different parts and different structures of an aircraft, the principle of flying an aircraft and the history of aviation. It was interesting, and i hope that i will always be. Through the history of aviation, i was amused by the its development in 100 years. The prof showed us the very first ideas of flying in the sky since the 1700s, sacrifices, tests and all kind of models made. Until the 17 December 1903, the Wright brothers have finally succeeded the first took off to the air. What a coincidence, because i was born exactly 84 years later, and is now studying aeronautic!
Anyway it's only the 1st lesson, let's hope the difficulty level won't increase exponentially so that i can have time to get used to it.